Kid's Day on the Farm

Each year, the "Kids Day on the Farm" event hosts approximately 700 Greeneville City and Greene County third grade students and teachers at the University of Tennessee Research & Education Center in May. Visitors experience the many aspects of farm life, as well as a sample of all kinds of dairy refreshments. The Big Spring Master Gardeners participate in this event by providing two educational stops during the tour, explaining the importance of vegetable gardens and growing and buying local produce, as well as agronomic crops and their place in the food chain. They discuss the nutritional value of fruits and veggies and demonstrate products made from produce and field crops. They are also instrumental in setting-up and breaking-down for the event, as well as being on site to keep the event running smoothly and providing assistance when needed throughout the day. This event is in conjunction with the Greene County Partnership Agribusiness Committee.
For additional information, contact the BSMGA Kid's Day Project Leader: Lamar Neas